I have a very personal interest in treating lung conditions. It was due to my own experience of asthma that led me to try acupuncture for the first time! To read my story click here:
Through having my asthma successfully treated and through treating many asthma patients and seeing how their lungs get stronger with acupuncture, I’ve come to love treating asthma, breathing difficulties, COPD, and any condition that affects lung health. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help you breath better!
I have been a patient of Dr. Wristen’s for over three years now, and initially started seeking treatment for my unbearable asthma symptoms. When I first started acupuncture, my asthma was the worst it had been for over 20 years. I had severe tightness in my chest and often struggled to breathe properly. Being out in the cold, going up a few flights of stairs, and other simple exercises would leave me feel winded and gasping for air. I noticed an instant improvement in my symptoms after the first few treatments with Dr. Wristen and over time, my condition had completely changed for the better. My allergies reduced, my immunity improved, and my lung capacity also greatly improved. Having acupuncture treatments was more beneficial to managing and treating my asthma symptoms than any of the medications I had been on for years. My breath is not shallow anymore, I easily exercise for long periods of time, and I even started to run! Dr. Wristen is an incredibly gifted healer who has drastically improved my health since I have started seeing her. Her knowledge and expertise, alongside her caring and nurturing spirit, is a combination that I have not found anywhere else. Although I initially started acupuncture for my asthma, I have continued treatments for my overall health and well-being after experiencing how beneficial it has been for me. I recommend anyone who experiences asthma symptoms to seek treatment with Dr. Wristen, your lungs and your body will thank you for it!