What is Acupuncture?
Does it hurt?
More often than not, patients feel very little upon the insertion of the needle. If they do feel a slight prick, the sensation quickly passes. Once the needle is in place the patient may experience varied sensations near the acupuncture point such as warmth, slight numbness, a rushing feeling, an electrical sensation, tingling, or a dull ache. Most patients fall into a deeply relaxed state and many even fall asleep through the 25-40 minutes that the needles are in place.
Is it Safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe when practiced by a registered acupuncturist. Pre-sterilized disposable needles are used and the skin is cleaned with an alcohol swab before the needles are inserted.
How much are the fees?
The initial consultation with treatment is $175.00. Follow-up treatments are $115.00. Herbal consultations are free with acupuncture treatments but do not include the price of herbs.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?
Most private insurance companies do cover acupuncture. Check with your provider to see what kind of coverage is available. Our clinic does not direct bill, but we will provide you with an invoice which you can use to submit to your insurance company.
How many treatments will I need?
This varies from patient to patient. In general, a course of treatment for a short-lived condition could be between 2 to 6 treatments. For more chronic conditions it could mean weekly treatments for a few months. One very general rule of thumb is that one month of treatment may be necessary for each year that your condition has been active. Treatments are carried out on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Many patients start to see results within 1-3 treatments – others may experience a cumulative effect after more treatments. Treatment time depends on many factors including your age, general health, lifestyle and severity of your main concern. Being compliant with any lifestyle suggestions your acupuncturist has recommended will help to speed up your healing process.
What conditions can be treated with Acupuncture?
- Menopausal symptoms – Night Sweats/Hot Flashes
- Insomnia
- Pain Disorders
- Lower back pain
- Headaches
- Digestive Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Women’s health – PMS, Menstrual Cramps, Menopause
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress Management
- Weak Immunity
- Arthritis
- Hypertension
- And much more….
Is Acupuncture beneficial for healthy people?
Most definitely! Acupuncture can be used to prevent illness by balancing one’s energy, improving immunity, and promoting an overall state of well-being.